Monday, April 30, 2007
Get in!
sunday i went with neil to se my beloved sheffield united. they are the football team ive supported all my life (there are 2 teams in sheffield) we are currently in the top premier league, playing alongside the chelseas, manchester uniteds and liverpools of the world, we are a small team, and are struggling to stay in the division, and we needed to win to have a chance of staying in the premier league next season....as you can see, it was a beautiful day in sheffield. this was outside the pub before the game. i realised that me and my bro have been going to see sheffield united
apart from family, they have been the only love in my life for the past 25 years, cant describe how much they mean to me, and hadnt been to a game in nearly 3 years due to being away from the uk since 2004....was so so so so excited!
Quite possbily the greatest moment of my life...
now, to most this will mean bugger all, but ive idolised this guy and his music for most of my life...and i get to meet him on my birthday!!
i promise ill stop now...
Me 'n' my big bro
was hilarious, havent seen neil since christmas,
ps neil, as i said, only one of us is young enough to get away with adidas you know
neil is 2 years 2 months and 2 days older than me
Birthday evening
was so excited by the gig..now imagine your favourite rock/music hero of all time, to nirvana fans, this was my kurt cobain, to greenday fans, this was my billy jo, to u2 fans, this is my bono, to bon jovi fans....no...sorry...sod off and stop reading this if youre a bon jovi fan, anyway, miles hunt is playing an acoustic gig on my birthday, theres a couple of hundred people here (ive seen him play in front of 90,000 people before)..and im stood on the front row, absolutely dumbstruck...was nice as just me and my big bro saw the gig together, as he got me into them years and years ago, which was cool.long story short, its a superb superb gig. afterwards, he decides to sign a few new cds...so i queue up, unable to speak, i get to the front, and we actually have a chat...IM CHATTING WITH MILES HUNT!!! we talk about my favourite wonderstuff song, (he goes on to explain what its all about )we discuss my birthday!!! and loads of stuff..we're chatting for a good few minutes, w have our picture taken together, and signs my cd 'Glen! happy birthday miles hunt 27.4.07'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i left grinning so much, was physically shaking, i kid you not, i was checking the pics my bro took and had to hold the camera with both hands i was shaking so much. sounds trite now, but honestly, was one of the best moments of my life i swear to god...totally made my birthday! i get goosebumps now just thinking about it....
...after that i got completely drunk with loads of mates. great grea birthday
ps, oh yeah, ryan also rang from oz which was totally cool (see, youre on the blog twice now)
was my 27th birthday on friday...(27ish)...oh ok, was my 32nd birthday last friday. woke up completely miserable. waking up on your own on your birthday sucks! the house was empty, everyone was either away or at work, no one to play with, was totally fed up, not so much about being 32, just the fact of being alone with nothing to do. before i came back id not planned anything to do on my birthday, and was considering a party, but loads of my mates were away, so would have been quite an embarrassment, and unless id organised it to be in a phonebox, any room would have looed a bit barren. anyway, a few days before my birthday, i saw a poster for a gig by miles hunt. miles hunt used to be/is the lead singer in my all time favourite band 'the wonder stuff', ive loved them since i can remember (late 80's), and absolutely idolise miles hunt. he was playing an acoustic gig in nottingham ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! cant tell you how ecstatic i was. bought a few tickets and was soo looking forward to it. anyway, presents a bit scarce as everyone was away, but tam bought me tickets to see muse in concert, and a band called cake that i love. went for lunch at a good friends uber cool cafe that she owns.and was mildly cheered up. went to the cinema on my own in the afternoon (how sad is that??) and saw the new shane meadows film, which is filmed in nottingham, its called 'this is england' and is totally great, and a few mates of mine were in the credits...so birthday day sucked a little...then came the evening...
spent a day with tam in london where she now lives. such a lovely day, chilled out in hyde park, went to the natural history museum, and just generally caught up, great to see her, shes just returned from a week snowboarding in austria..soooo jealous..missing the snow already. we saw a roller blading beginners class in the park...and as justine would say, 'it was freakin hilarious'. ps..its sooo warm and sunny in the uk right now!!
ps, ryan doesnt read the blog as 'im never in it'...well, there you go buddy...read away
Hanami...Sneinton style
Its not over until the Fat Lady Singhs
back in the uk...just got back to nottingham, dumped my bags and literally went straight out again. my best mates, and other mates play in a wicked band called Fat Lady Singh (my other band that i used to play in before i left)...which was such a great way to catch up with old friends...loads of mates came down and i can say that i got well and truly hammered, such a great great night
My last night in Japan
tomomi met me at the airport to say goodbye (by this point i was sick and tired of saying goodbye to good friends), anyway, im sure she wont mind me saying that she cried, and im so grateful that she was there to say goodbye.
at the immigration, i gave back my residents card and had to reply 'no' when the immigration officer asked me if i was planning to return to japan...at least not as a resident. fingers crossed ill be back one day...
sayonara japan
Friday, April 27, 2007

well, i know ive still got to update the blog, and will finish japan and hello uk soon, but today is my 32nd birthday...unfortunately, these pictures were taken exactly a year ago today for my 31st...in my favourite place on earth, perhentian island in malaysia, did my first scuba dive. today ive got no real plans...although tonight, my all time favourite rock star hero god (miles hunt, ex wonderstuff) is playing an acoustic gig just down the road from my house in nottingham, so am going with my big bro and a few mates...v.v.v.v. excited about this gig, and tomorrow going to see my beloved sheffield united for the first time in nearly 3 years, and if we win, we are almost guaranteed to stay in the premier league. v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v excited about this
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Leaving Party
was a really really great night, a lot of people have been away recently, papua new guinea, south east asia, japan etc... but everyone had recently just got back...justine arrived back from a 3 week trip around south east asia about 1 hour before the party started...hardcore anbeek!
anyway, was the first time in ages everyone had been out together, and was lovely. ive met some truly amazing people here, and hopefully many will remain friends forever. my experience of japan would have been completely different if i hadnt have met these people. ive had some wonderful, lifechanging and unforgetable times, and will miss my friends in japan dearly...anyway...ill end this now for fear of sounding like a gwyneth paltrow oscar speech...
...except to say sincerely thank you to all my friends here, you are all truly wonderful people, and its been a pleasure and an honour knowing you.
hopefully this isnt goodbye, just a see you soon, somewhere else, some other time...
here's to all of you...
Road Trip!
ill keep it brief as the photos tell most of the story. but in a mad panic of 'oh my god im leaving japan' i decided to embark on a trip of the places that id like to see as a minimum, with a few others added in. i set off with my best mates gareth and tomomi, and spent most of the trip with just tomomi as gareth had to go back to work on the monday. we initially drove to osaka, then we got everywhere on trains, boats, buses and feet. it was a really tight schedule, 9 cities/towns in 7 days, with countless things to do in each. was exhausting at times, but was such good fun. the weather was glorious, and the blossom was out everywhere we went. i could go on forever about the trip, but needless to say, it was an experience ill never forget, and i feel a little more comfortable about leaving now ive done it. many many thanks as always to gareth and tomomi, great travelling buddies, especially tomomi for putting up with my sometimes grumpiness, oh and i did eventually make her laugh with a joke...another box (albeit a new one) ticked.
we worked out the following statistics on the way back:
we had travelled 3000km's
we had been on 28 trains, 4 boats, 3 buses, and one car
we worked out the following statistics on the way back:
we had travelled 3000km's
we had been on 28 trains, 4 boats, 3 buses, and one car
i took over 700 photos
...not bad for 7 days
...not bad for 7 days
Capsule Hotel!
another box of mine to tick. saw these on a travel programme in the uk when i was a kid, and think theyre great! this was my first experience. they are designed for 'salary men', japanese businessmen who work away from home, it costs around 20 pounds, and you get a capsule, an onsen, free razors and toothpaste and a locker and towel...not bad for 20 pounds in the centre of tokyo. was such a great experience, loved it!
you even get your own tv in them! this place had literally hundred of capsules, there was 7 full floors of them!