saturday was my first full weekend in norway. have managed luckily, to meet a few people, a bunch of english-scottish-australain-norwegian people my own age...long story, but cool people and around my age. (bugger me, wheres the forward slash key, question mark question mark)
went out for a few beers on friday night with two of the guys...and at up to £7 per pint...its not a cheap night out. had a great time. this young guy from texas came over and started talking to-at us...and proceeded for 3 hours to tell us about this book called 'the game', which is his bible of 'pulling chicks'...not my words. was hilarious all night. little did i know that groups of woemen were called 'sets', going out was called 'sarging', there is a AMOG (alpha male of the group), and a bar full of said 'chicks' is referred to as a 'target rich environment'. also, the best way to pull 'chicks' is to compliment them, while putting them down 'tell a woman she has man-hands' this will make her think youre being nice, while destroying her self confidence, hence she'll want you....nope, i didnt get it either, made for a funny night watching him try though. he also said that i was considered 'exotic' as im not from norway and the 'chicks' would be able to resist...i politely asked him if he'd ever been to yorkshire, or sheffield for that matter, and that 'exotic' wasnt really a description of someone coming from there, and that if he told a woman from england that she had 'man-hands', then those said 'man-hands' would probably break his nose....its a strange world