
Weekend was a good one. went to a house party with my 'new' friends. a mixture of aussies, british, french and norwegian. was really good fun. headed into oslo later on and partied on. norway seems to only have one brand of beer, Rignes...and its not good for your head believe me.
Sopot is on the north coast of poland on the baltic sea (ashamedly, when asked, i didnt know it was the baltic sea...i wont even say what i thought it was) its where our office in poland is based, and is an old seaside town, a favourite of hitler no less when he decided to invade
Went on a 3 day business trip to poland last week. nightmare journey...kinda. had to be up at 4am for first flight from oslo. 1 hour queue to check in, and when i got to the check in desk, there was only 20 mins before the flight took off...anyway, bit flustered i got to the desk, where i was promptly told that i had no ticket...yes i was booked on, but my ticket hadnt been issued (we use american express to book flights) anyway, something had gone wrong, so after a few terse phone calls, all was sorted, however i was too late for the flight, but being the luckiest person in the world, the flight was then delayed by 1 hour allowing me to fly (karma for the delays from london last week) unfortunately that meant i missed my connection from copenhagen to gdansk in poland, and the next flight wasnt for another 5 hours, so i picked up a disposable camera (had packed my real camera in my luggage (idiot)...and took the 15 minute train to copenhagen, which is the capital of denmark. spent a lovely 3 hours then in glorious sunshine. copenhagen is similar to oslo in its beautiful architecture and old market squares etc... sat having a lovely lunch in the sun while i should have been in a factory somewhere in the middle of poland. copenhagen is beautiful, heartily recommended.
saturday was my first full weekend in norway. have managed luckily, to meet a few people, a bunch of english-scottish-australain-norwegian people my own age...long story, but cool people and around my age. (bugger me, wheres the forward slash key, question mark question mark)
this is what happens when you have no internet connection for a totally lose track... bit of useless trivia...although asian computer keyboards are weird, thay are NOTHING compared to scandinavian ones...have been here over two weeks and cannot find the '@' sign...i kid you not, everytime i log into my email, i have to go to wikipedia, search for the 'at' sign and copy and paste. i also cant understand a flippin word this screen is saying, im just going by memory on what buttons to press.
didnt get my dream apartment...totally gutted. saw a few more today, one quite nice, nice area....but awful talking paisley print sofa. saw one on top of the hill overlooking oslo, amazing views of the fjords and town centre...just too remote, and my favourite was in such a great location, right behind the palace of the king and queen (50 metres) and on the same street of all the embassy's, such an amazing road of there, and it was a 28sq metre flat/bedsit, basically just a small room with a kitchen and living room all mashed together, with a single bed wedged in a corner...and it was in a basement with no windows...and that was 600 pounds per month! losing faith that ill find somewhere nice...