Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Gdansk - Poland

this is the old town in gdansk. absolutely stunning architecture, so nice it almost looks fake, or a film set. such a beautiful city. i did have a few pre conceptions about poland, and in truth there are run down grey tower blocks in a lot of places, but some of the old towns take your breath away...again, 30 degree temperatures add to its beauty. Poland was a communist country up until 10 years ago (ish) and its incredibly interesting to hear the stories about how life used to be. one that sticks in my mind is that cartoons were only played on tv for 1 hour once a year, around christmas time as a treat. can you imagine that in an age of 24 hour cartoon channels and cable tv???


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Gareth said...

Lucky bugger, Poland is high up on my list of countries to visit - so you have visited 16% of the countries of the world eh?


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