After saturday was almost a total write-off due to another night out in oslo friday night, sunday a few of us decided to go into the hills/mountains just outside oslo with the mountain bikes. an eclectic group of nationalities, a brit, a norwegian, an american, a scot and an aussie, went for a 40km ride. we took the train up to near the ski jump overlooking oslo (that hill would have killed the whole day) and spent a happy 5 hours struggling up steep climbs, and flying down the other side. neil, morten and steve are pretty keen cyclists, so was an effort to keep up at times, and my lack of fitness was pretty evident on the uphills. after about 2 weeks of constant rain, we finally had a nice hot sunny day. it took us about 5 hours, but that included a lunch stop at a hytte overlooking a lake. the scenery was breathtaking, and this is not that far from oslo centre, and finished up with a beer in the sculpture park near wher we all live...a pretty tiring but great day...now this is why i came to oslo

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