
Now, most people who don't follow football have only heard of the big teams like manchester united, liverpool, arsenal, chelsea etc...these teams win every week, they win everything, their supporters moan if they dont win more than 4 trophies a, supporting sheffield united...well...its not like that at have to put up with years of gloom, for a tiny speck of however was one of those specks....well, momentarily. our fierce rivals sheffield wednesday (yes i know, stupid name) were getting hammered 4-0, our other rivals leeds were losing 1-0, and then bathed in sunshine, right in front of us, we scored...this is like a perfect storm, when all our rivals are losing, and we are winning, its like a pure happy sensation, all is right in the world, i have beer in hand, the sun is shining, my voice has gone due to shouting and singing, wednesday are losing 38 seconds into the season..and we are winning...delerium...however...this is where we differ from the manchester uniteds of the world...after we scored, and we celebrated..i literally, and i mean literally hadnt sat down...when colchester equalised...i mean, they kicked off, and within 45 seconds had scored...disbelief.
anyway...we went on to score again with 8 minutes all was good again. life was pefect again...until with 84 seconds left (of a 90 minutes match)...84 sodding seconds later...colchester equalised again....gutted gutted gutted...somedays i hate football
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