Thursday, October 23, 2008
Downtown Houston
With nothing else to do on the sunday...i mooched around the downtown area...not like a european downtown cnetral area...this is the commercial district so people work here in the week, but is pretty dead at the weekend. very very clean. nice place really...possibly a bit 'soul less' but nice none the less
Memorial Park
Dragged my jet lagged ass (surely arse?) out of bed and took myself for a 'run'..albeit the first bit of exerfcise ive done in a while...it was a token pathetic effort in the end...but memorial park, which is 15 minutes from town is stunning, full of life, runners, cyclists and all sorts...beautiful place
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Le pad de la Parkes (possibly)
Went house hunting last week...and am so desperate to move out of the hotel that im staying in...saw about 6 places on the first day...and fell in love. its a 3 storey 2000 square feet town house in the cool/chic/trendy/up and coming (you can see i spent too much time with the real estate woman). the middle floor is actually bigger than my entire apartment in Oslo. its in the Museum District, its not mine yet...i have applied and am as we speak awaiting feedback. it has a huuuge fridge and a double garage...a double garage!!! whoo hoo...why need so much space? have been asked that a few times and have yet to come up with a plausible reason...answers on a postcard...
actually just heard that after being on the market for 6 months someone else has put an offer in for this house...would be totally totally gutted to lose it...fingers crossed
Sunday, October 19, 2008
and so...to the U.S. of A
eventually and finally have officially moved to the U.S. and to Texas. been here a couple of days..and yes mum, im safe and sound. photos of first few days to follow. forgot what a total pain it is to move countries, especially outside the EU. there is a non stop list of things you need to do just to get back to the same scenario

but, i sit here in starbucks on a beautiful sunny day in Houston, after having jsut gone for a run in memorial park, which is stunningly beautiful...i kinda get the feeling that im gonna love it here...i get a good vibe from it. cant wait to get a house though and get my belongings delivered, ive been living out of a suitcase for weeks now since i left norway, and living in a hotel aint as nice as it sounds...anyway...as a bad comic would say, 'good evening houston, its great to be here'...and you know what...it is.
Had to go to london to interview for my US visa, this consisted of a mountain of paperwork, followed by a 4 hour wait in the embassy, followeed by a 15 second interview...yeah...4 hours wait for a 15 second interview...anyway...while in london for the night, i managed to catch up with my good friend Jayne for a day and night out in laaandan (for some reason i cannot write london without the phonetics)