Thursday, December 20, 2007

Homeward bound

I actually had planned to go back to Delhi for a day before i flew back, but after the tranquility of goa, i couldnt face the noise and pollution, so i went straight to the airport from the plane from goa (different airports). id changed my flight to come back a day early as i was due to fly to the U.S. 8 hours after i landed from India for a business trip, it cost a bit more, but was totally worth it. so i had to sit in Delhi airport for an uncomfortable 9 hours, my flight was at 3.30am, so no point in getting a hotel.

32 sleepless hours later, and via london, i arrived back home in oslo to temperatures of -8 (i had left the poolside at +32 degrees)

In retrospect, India is an incredible place (last use of incredible i promise), the sights, smells sounds are like nothing you will experience anywhere else. i totally totally loved it. thing to note, you HAVE to be in a good mood ALL the time. you have to stay positive. india is bloody hard work, you get accosted by people every other minute, and if you let it get to you for a single moment, the place will eat you up and leave you in a gibbering wreck in the corner.

with seeing places like india though, it does change your outlook on life, the sheer scale of the poverty there puts a bad day at work totally into perspective.

its an awe inspring place, a cacophony of chaos!


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