Proton gone mad (er)

Click on the picture to read it properly..... I cant even think where to start on this one...2 people have emailed me this already today. lets start at the beginning...when i lived in malaysia, i worked for Lotus Cars...who unfortunately were owned by Proton of Malaysia. Lotus engineer and make great cars but have no money, proton make the worlds most dreadful cars but are very rich...this caused a pretty volatile atmosphere to say the least, to have Proton people tell Lotus people what to do was not a nice experience at all. Basically they know nothing about engineering or car making but due to government funding, they bought Lotus. What this meant was that as Lotus employees, we technically worked for Proton (eeuugghh...shudder) and we helped them design and develop new cars, which meant we designed something and told them how to do it, they said 'no' we know better, and did it their own way anyway. im trying not to sound too bitter here, but working in Proton in malaysia for 2 years was an intensely intensely frustrating thing to do. Actually a couple of my friends/colleagues 'broke' and told Proton what they actually thought of them, and were consequently banned from the whole Proton site ( know who you are!)
anyway, the cars were absolutely awful, but due to the government placing 300% tax on non Proton cars, everyone...including myself, had to drive one. Also, as demonstrated on a recent Top Gear episode in the UK, Proton's have one of the worst safety records in the the disintegrate if the wind blows too hard. DON'T EVER GET IN A PROTON
The funniest thing about this story is the phrase 'Safety features or fuel economy is one way of selling a car, but Proton thinks vehicles designed specifically for Muslims across the world represent a huge gap in the market.' hhmmm....i think the key word is 'but', lets ignore safety and fuel economy and go for the gimmicks....hhmmmm.... don't get me wrong, this is not a religious thing..this frustration is borne out of pure engineering idiocy
right....rant over...i may delete this soon if it seems too emotive. I know this might not mean much to most people, but for my ex Lotus friends....
Mmmmmm...also, the fact that it has taken them 25 years to come up with the most ovbvious marketing ploy!!....
ha ha...quote from JP..."Jesus Christ.. this is the most hilarious story I have ever heard from proton. this is like taking stupidity to other dimension..."
So what are the other features? All blacked out windows with a inch wide clear space in the windscreen to see out of? Are they stoning proof for the Afgan market? What's next cosher cars?
They come in a vareity of Camoflarge hues, with cd dangeling from the internal mirror with verses from the Koran on them....of course, this means that there is no need for airbags or seat bealts...
The official load capacity is 10, adults, and upto 20 children....
However, I do not think that Proton will ever introduce a Kosher car!!
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