Same fjord...different day...

guilt did get the better of me though on the sunday. as it was sunny my brain refused to let me waste the day indoors, so i went for a bike ride, up the gruelling ascent to frognerseteren and down through the forest. the only thing to note now is that it has gotten cold, pretty cold, and many puddles were frozen over, and the grass was frosty white where the sun never reached it, and my toes were literally numb..i took a few hours to thaw out when i got home
Good on you though mate for the effort - so so easy to get really comfy on that sofa when it's so cold outside. Nice pictures (as alwasys) Did you manage to resist the urge to hoof a big rock in the water and what the ripples spread out across the lake?
dagnabbit i forgot. couldnt really get off my bike as my toes were too cold to stand on though
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