Sunday, November 18, 2007


my flight schedule this week was: oslo - milan - oslo, oslo - aberdeen - bristol - amsterdam - oslo, oslo - stavanger - oslo, all in 7 days, and am knackered!

all i wanted was to chill out on friday night, but had previously bought tickets to see one of my favourite bands called 'Ash', who were playing in stavanger, on the west coast of norway, and where a few mates from oslo have moved to. again, weird gig, was a small venue (Ash headlined one of the uk's bigest music festivals last year), weeble have even played bigger venues. was a pretty subgued affair, well, it got going after a while....but again, norwegian crowds are just weird, its all hand clapping and fist punching, with no real...oh i dont know, maybe enthusiasm is the word, theres no real 'mosh pit' to speak of...people just stand there and watch, and dont really get involved.

good gig though none the less, and was really cool to catch up with dave, neil and steve (who was down from bergen)


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