Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Due to everyone i know in oslo being out of the city the weekend previous, i decided to take matters into my own hands and go somewhere this weekend. Long story short, but a very very old friend of mine, who i havent seen in many years recently moved to italy, and invited me over for a weekend. This, plus the fact that Ryanair do mega cheap flights from oslo to milan, made up my mind.

I've only ever been to milan briefly before, and had forgotten how beautiful it was. The weather was incredible, blue skies all the time (except the night obviously). It was pretty chilly though. We did the usual touristy stuff, photos of which are below.

It was good to catch up with gwyn again after many years, and is kinda weird trying to describe your past few years, and justify what you have been doing, who's with who now, who went where etc...

One thing about moving around a lot, especially internationally, is that you lose contact with many friends, and people you know, have only known you for a short period of time, so it was refreshing to speak to someone who knew me a long time ago, and can see how much ive changed (for the better i hope)

anyway, was a fantastic weekend


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