Fish Sperm & S.A.D.

bit of a weird week or two. been feeling pretty low/flat and fed up and grumpy/bad mood etc... was talking to a few guys at work today and seems that im not the only one. its turned cold and wet here recently, and maybe down to SAD (seasonal adjustment disorder...where you miss ths sunshine and change in weather makes you unhappy), dunno, either that or they have switched to de-caff coffee at work and not told anyone!
on a separate note, i went to a dinner/drinking party tonight with work, to say goodbye to a guy who is leaving. these are always great evenings, long japanese table, sit on cushions while everyone gets very drunk very quickly (the japanese get drunk by simply looking at sake!). always amazing food and good company. i elected to drive tonight so didnt touch a drop (japan has a very very serious zero tolerance on drinking and driving), tomorrow is a holiday, and didnt want to waste it waking up in a hotel feeling like rubbish all day, but had a great night raw horse this time, but was given some food to try, and it was white and its texture was very soft, almost melts in your was not pleasant to be honest, mainly due to the texture...some japanese guys turned their nose up at it, so it had to be really bad/weird! an arguement ensued as to what it was, it was either, a) fish genitals, b) fish brain or c ) fish sperm....after a long (and not unweird debate) it was agreed that it was in fact fish sperm....there are many things i could write here...but ill leave any comments for you to make up...maybe a caption competition? best comment wins a prize. needless to say, the boxes marked 'raw horse', and 'fish sperm' are now well and truly ticked, and need not be re-visited again.
i would anytime trade places to relish the cold and rainy weather for a change. it gets erracticly hot and humid in this part of the world!
i know, i know, i missed seasons so much in malaysia, it was either hot or hot and wet...i miss the sunshine though
come back for a visit then. :D
everyday is a promise of a sunny day in Malaysia......minus the freaky rains of late!
on your food venture, it is interesting the varied flavours your discover with different cultures. Sometimes bizzare! Fish sperm!!!
i had fish stomach in malaysia once...but the japanese are world leaders in weird food
What say you Glen san. Strange food, ET's, rude boy car (better wear your baseball cap backwards when driving) and sake.
Anyway, I am reading your blog from my
phone, waiting for a plane to Langkawi.
Thank god another week is over at the Proton. You lucky, lucky boy.... you lucky boy. they must love you.....fisk sperm makes you more fertile! Cheers Ben S
BEN!!!!! hello mate! langkawi?? nooooo..i wanna go to the beach!!! come get me! who's going? and no, i dont miss proton, its bad enough coping with incompetancy here, but incompetancy and arrogance was too much...take me to the beach!!! its flipping freezing here! boleh lah??
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