Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dinner at mine...

Last night i had a dinner/party at mine. the concept is called 'pot luck', its a canadian thing, where everyone brings a dish each. was a great great night and much fun was had. in attendance, myself, gareth, jo, adam, anna, lins, justine, hisa, tomommi, pam, deccy and kat, who are a mix of work mates and teacher friends. i cooked a chilli, which went down pretty had a sweet taste to it, and everyone kept asking me what the secret ingredient was....i actually had no clue, but tried to bluff it that it was a mystical secret recipe and hence couldnt tell busted after a while when tomomi and justine guessed that i had used sweet beans instead of kidney beans....well...they looked like bloomin kidney beans on the tin...of course, i couldnt read the label on the tin as they unhelpfully put it all in japanese! anyway, it actually turned out really nice...p.s. dont tell anyone i put the wrong beans in...some might still think it was deliberate... kicked the last people out at 3.30am ish...i think. really good night though.


At 2:06 PM, Blogger kittykat said...

yeah, way to accept all the compliments before admitting your mistake, jackass.

But it really was lovely chili.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Glen-san said...

jackass?? bit harsh...actually it was deliberate, but didnt want to embarrass everyone else with my kitchen i do have another confession to make...i was in bed awake when i heard you doing the dishes in the morning..and stayed in bed until i heard you finish! ( a bad person), although maybe payment for spare room, everyone else got floor)


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