took the team out for a brazillian during the week (ok ok..smutty ones at the back...i obviosuly meant a meal...and not a wax)...brazilian food means bbq...and is the greatest eating experience known to man...you basically get a round card...on one side is red, the other green, waiters come around every few minutres with a different skewer of meat...which is amazing. if you are hungry, you turn your card to green up, if not, then you turn it to red up...simple. i went to a brazillian restaurant in kl, and made the school boy error of saying yes to everything...and within 5 minutes i was fit to burst! pace yourself as someone once wisely told me. but my goodness, the food is incredible. for one, as in the photo, they have pork scratchings the size of your fist!!! (as your british colonial grandfathers). they serve all this with caiprinhas...which i swear is the strongest yet nicest drink in the world...i had 3...and had trouble walking straight!...oh, and i found out after the event...that the skewer in the picture...and something that i ate....was in fact barbequed chicken heart...i mean, i ate some crazy shit in japan..but chicken heart?!!!! ironically it not taste like chicken at all!
anyway....great week..and would love to see more brazil...

Hum...that little sushi has actually nothing to do with Brazilian churrasco, Glen-san...
what! you never ate chicken heart here? I swear they must use every part of the animal...cartiledge, intestines, stomach, anus?
i had fish anus once in japan...about as appetising as it sounds
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