in the sprit of reclaiming old buddies...this is Bob. I have known bob for longer than most of you have been alive...bob was my best mate between the ages of 5 and 20 something, and basically grew up together. although post uni we kinda lost eachother, but through the joys of facebook we got back in touch, and ironically he lives in london also, so we met up, on the premise of watching a mountain bike jump festival on the south bank of the thames (men need a premise to meet, we cant just 'meet'...we need an excuse, something to look at while we talk without looking at eachother...why do you think football was invented?) Bob is now married to the lovely Claire, and when i asked where she was, he pointed out casually that she was in Afghanistan...not only that, but she is a navigator in a Tornado jet (well..she was, she works in logistics now)...but imagine having a wife who sits and navigates in a tornado jet all day! how do you top that? was a really cool couple of hours, we talked about school, who still lives on the same housing estate that they were living at when they were kids etc... and promised to not leave it 10 years since we met again (10 years...couldnt believe it)
note, Bob's actual name is Chris, but was changed to bob, after the legendary, though shite, football player for sheffield united in the 1990's who shared the same surname...hmmmm...im great at parties i am
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