so...been a while, kinda been busy, kinda bought a new camera and left the lead in london...actually its rather a sexy little thing...if thats the kind of thing that does it for you...aaaaaaanyway...one digresses...so long story short but i went to london a couple of weeks ago, for varied reasons, the main one being that my dear dear friends sarah and rob are getting married this year, and i havent seen them for a while and didnt just want to show up, eat their canapes (i write canapes as i cant spell....oh, hang on...val-au-vents...there, i had to look it up...its the same as...hold on...blancmange...ive never been able to spell that...thank you google...actually, if you type in blamange, the correct spelling eearily comes up...not just me then!)...anyway, i thought it bad form to just turn up to a wedding, so hopped on a plane and landed in leyton (via train). we actually worked it out that i hadnt seen them in 4 years! time does funny things. i went to college and university with sarah (although i didnt talk to her much at college...she wasnt in the cool crowd you know ;-) ) and have known her fiance rob for a great number of years (he's australian...has not bearing on this, but thought id mention it). anyway, i guess ive been systematically losing friends over the past 4 years with being away, so am trying to reclaim them all again, well, the good ones at least...was soo nice to see them. chilled out at their fantastic 4 bedroomed house, and just generally mooched pottered and relaxed. spent an excellent 5 hours in the pub, including a 2.5 hour game of scrabble...read 3 papers and talked for england.....perfect :-)

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