Thursday, October 25, 2007

Muse Gig

Oslo has a surprisingly high number of great bands playing here. Muse are one of my absolute favourites, and i got the chance to see them in july at Wembley, this was a smaller venue, which brings its own pro's and cons, but i was very very excited about the gig. Unfortunately, i had aquired seating tickets...much to my mate daves annoyance, which was compounded by the fact that my friend Sidsel and her sister had standing for about 20 minutes, myself and dave scoured the ticket touts outside to find standing tickets (note. the touts were all scousers from liverpool in england...ill avoid the obvious stereotyping), but all the touts had were seating tickets. eventually we found 2 standing tickets and had to pay an absolute fortune for them, plus we still had paid for our seating tickets...which we managed to sell for a pitance to a tout. we had paid more than twice as much as theface value to have the opportunity to stand in the mosh pit at the front...which in oslo, believe me is expensive!

anyway, gig shots below. was an incredible gig, both visually and sounds wise (is there a sound/listening version of visual??)

crowds here are weird the uk in the front of gigs, everyone bounces and jumps around like lemmings on speed (best i could think of, sorry), but here, its all 'hands/fists in the air'....much prefer the uk method

anyway...was a fantastic gig. (the barometer of a good gig is how sore my neck is in the morning, and what my range of turning my head has...needless to say im very careful crossing the road today)

top night

ps apologies for the self indulgent posting of so many gig photos, that will be meaningless to most.

pps i stopped trying to convince people that 'my music taste was better than anyone you should listen to my music' about 10 years ago...however, for reference, Muse are well worth a listen. Genre is kinda rock, with electro stuff, piano and a falsetto voiced singer. well i like it


At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glen - the word for hearing related is aural so the word you need is aurally!

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Gareth said...

1) You left 6 months ago and from my recollection you were still telling me your music was better than mine - tut tut

2)Could you hear the singer's huge intakes of breath before each vocal line? ;-)

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Glen-san said...

hi nic..thanks...i feel thoroughly like to claim my english is getting worse as my norwegian is getting better, but... are an exception mate...i will ALWAYS think mine (and anyone elses) music is better than yours

and no...i couldnt

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Gareth said...

I had a great long speach to illustrate my point, but I'm too lazy. Basically, music taste = subjective. Musical ability = measurable. My music = more technical than your's. Argument winner = me

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Glen-san said...

oh my god...i can't believe im geting drawn into this arguement again!!! at my age!

ordinarily, i would say its all a matter of personal taste....but mate...'widdly widdly just sh*te' (no offence, its not your fault)

if you ever decide to update your blog, then you can answer back on there..this arguement is now the words of Street Fighter..."Glen Wins!"


At 1:03 PM, Blogger Gareth said...

actually the point of the post was to draw you into an argument that you said you didn't have anymore - I just couldn't have you making false statements on your blog now could I? ;-)


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