Leaving Dinner, & Horses

Last night was a guys leaving do at work, (a Japanese senior manager). We went to a restaurant nearby work for dinner, about 30 of us. Was a lovely evening….and after last weeks ‘party’ I decided to drink coke all night and drive home…much to the displeasure of everyone….its a japanese business obsession to try and get you drunk!...im not kidding, they really get offended if you can still walk by the end of the evening. It was a traditional Japanese restaurant on tatami mats, where you sit crossed legged on the floor…..all feeling in my legs disappeared after about 20 mins. (a new record for me however) Food was amazing, mainly raw fish…however, I was introduced to raw horse…..well, they made such a big thing of me trying it that I couldn’t say no…..it tastes like….chicken!….no, it actually tastes like raw tuna. Hard to believe I was a vegetarian just a few years ago! I just hope that the horse died of natural causes…yes, lets just say that it died from tripping up and falling and banging its head….but not too painfully….and in bed…sleeping….dreaming of hay…..
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