One of the hardest parts of this whole 'ex pat' life is that things are always transitory, places, jobs and friends all come and go with alarming regularity. it never gets any easier, people come and go all the time but you never really get used to it. one of the saddest departures was my best friend in houston, nikki, who, after 3 years in houston was shipped out to moscow. these are a few pictures of her great leaving party. 99% of all the people i know in the US, i know through nikki, and to be honest, without her, i would have been as lonely as i was in norway, and without getting publically all gwyneth paltrow, i owe her an awful lot, she was and is, and hopefully always will be a great friend of mine, but houston will never really be the same without her...anyway, heres vodka in your eye lady x
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