New years eve
new years eve daytime we went up to frognersteren with a few friends to watch the amazing sunset over the oslo was such an incredible sight seeing the sun quite literally set on 2007
...then off to see the fireworks at midnight by the harbour. this was more than just your organised fact there was no simply brought your own, it was firework anarchy! fire works were set off from peoples hands, from crowded pavements, fired into crowds horizontally...i actualy got hit in the chest but my thick coat saved was like beirut! some fireworks made it into the air, but most went off in the crowds. it was actually the last year people were allowed to bring their own as it has become too dangerous....which only made people go even more crazy! we went to club bla afterwards for a night of soul and funk (oh yeah, and Alun...if you ever read this...the photo in the flat is in response to your text saying that you were staying in on nye! ;-) )

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