Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I went for a healthy hike on sunday to clear away my post world cup hangover, with my friend johiris, and her dog lappi (nicknamed yappy as the thing never normally shuts up)

we got the train from town to the top of oslo, now i felt particularly rough from over comiserating the previous night, and had a healthy headache, when many many many young folk (young folk? how old am i??) all got on the train in ball gowns and tuxedo's...apparently there was a ball at the top of the mountain in a restaurant...which in itself was fine...but they had brought an entire brass band with them, who played at full volume the 80's rock classic 'The Final Countdown' by Europe..ALL the way up (30 mins ish). apparently, and i didnt know this, Europe are Swedish, and so are a bit of a cult over here. so in a packed carraige, with headache from hell, i listned over and over again while a full brass band played cheesy rock, while everyone on the train sang along. triffic


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