After sticking to oslo for a few weeks i decided it was time to get out, see a bit of norway, and tick a few boxes. there are a couple of famous rocks that i wanted to see, both 'near' stavanger on the west coast (near Haugesund). Stavanger is the oil producing capital of norway and is shortly where a few oslo friends are moving to, but with winter fast appraching, i decided to go sooner rather than later. after a few people bailed out on the trip last minute, it was just myself and my friend anna. due to her attempting kjerag the weekend before with her boyfriend and almost getting hypothermia, we decided to ditch the 6 hour round hike in favour of the shorter, more accessible Prekestolen. photos and stuff below. saturday night was a leaving party at anna's followed by a night out at the local 'rock club', followed by a £7 fish and chip supper, which consisted of 2 measely bit of battered fish...( i will never get used to the prices here!)
sunday in norway everything shuts down, with no shops open, and as it was raining hard (typical for the west coast), we had a wander around the old town, followed by a settee, curry and a dvd in annas flat)
it was a huge shame the visibility on Prekestolen wasnt great, and i will definately be back to do it in the summer...along with the magnificent Kjerag.
Great weekend
(upon reading this back it sounds like a 'what i did in my summer holiday' essay. apologies for quite literally, my literary failings)
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