ha! she may be smiling, but underneath she knows she was beaten! we had a great bartering session over two jade buddha pendants, made even better by the fact we couldnt speak eachothers language. she would type a price on her calculator and show it to me, i would give me famous 'phew! thats too much' whistle, shake my head and feign walking away, then i would take the calculator and type in how much i wanted to pay, she would then feign exasperation and shake her head, and we would go round and round like this until we met in the middle somewhere. in 10 minutes i managed to beat her down by about £0.60 ha!! victory to me methinks! when i moved to malaysia, i wouldnt even try and haggle or barter, i just wasnt used to it, and felt embarrassed, but after a while i got to really enjoy it as a sport, and got quite good at it, to the point that in china town i would just see how much i could get off an item, with no intention of ever buying it, i just enjoyed the sport, its great fun. my 'phew thats too much' whistle is now famous in certain parts of asia...
Next time you're in M'sia, we can have a 'Bartering' challenge. See who can get the lowest price eh?
Welcome back! *hug*
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