
we had a significant earthquake yesterday (sunday), the epicentre was in a place called ishikawa, about 300km from niigata and measured a 7.0 on the richter scale, which is very big. so far one person has died. we felt it in ikenotaira where it had a magnitude of 6.0, which is still pretty big. was my first real earthquake experience. i had one in kl, but not as big as this. i was in the cafe at the bottom when it happened. its strange, such a weird experience to have everything shaking and moving, doesnt feel real, almost like its just in your head, and is pretty scary, even at 6.0 its an unnerving experience. theyre pertty used to them here and we even had earthquake training at work when i arrived. tokyo is due a big one soon, they reckon theres a 90% chance that theyll have a major one in the next 50 years. the last time it happened in the 1920's (?) 140,000 people died. now thats scary...
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