Monday, December 18, 2006

"Tell me why, i don't like mondays..."

looong day at work, massive fall outs with japanese management, so much so that one of them swore at us uk guys in the meeting (in japanese) (we have a good translator!) and a colleague of mine told a japanese manager that he was talking utter bollocks (3 times) ...not a typical japanese meeting but to be fair, they were talking utter bollocks... tensions really high at the mo over here with the situation...which ill explain another day, plus the lead up to xmas and people want to go pretty rough at at work at the mo.normally things have to be very very polite and calm when working with the japanese, but thats all going out of the window at the mo. plus monday is japanese lessons in town, 2 hours of a japanese teacher, who hardly speaks a word of engrish talking at us for 2 hours and confusing the hell out of the end i just want to cry or rip my hair out...leave the house in the morning and dont get home until gone 9 pm...that is why i do not like mondays.

on a separate note...discovered that in my bathroom, my bathroom mirror is heated!!!press a switch and it heats up!!! love it!!!


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