Monday, October 09, 2006

Comfort Zone?? What Comfort Zone?

So, its a bank holidayweekend this weekend. yesterday (saturday) was one of those days where you kinda want to have someone to look after you. i had a few jobs to do. cut. i had my hair cut from my long hair the day before i moved here, but it was still a bit long, so i decided to have it, i hate having my haircut in the uk, i just dislike the whole experience, the inane talking/idle chit chat etc...however, imagine going for a haircut where you have no way of communicating with the big bloke with the sharp scissors....i was not lookig forward to it. i bought a copy of mens health last week (from the only, sorry bookshop...too many americans in niigata!) and managed to find a picure that i liked the blokes hair. so in i trudged, with my copy of mens health. and as predicted, i couldnt speak a word of japanese, and he couldnt speak a word of after much pointing, and talkig in english, and much talking in japanese i sat down in trepadation...this wasnt just a trim, i wanted it pretty short. i think i closed my eyes for most of it, but eventually he finished...we had a small debate about the length of the sides...well, i said something in english, and he answered in japanese and we agreed on something...well, its done now. and to bes honest..ive had worst cuts in the uk!

next up was a shop called Hard Off....(insert gag here). its a great place, full of second hand stuff, electronics, musical instruments etc....anyway, i bought a sony mp3 player there a few weeks ago, unfortunately the software doesnt work, its a known sony issue (never ever buy anything sony...ever!) so i decided to take it back. now consider this, try going into a shop and explaining to a shop assistant that you are returning an mp3 player as the software was released unchecked and its a known sony issue and the download doesnt work....who doesnt speak english.....this i wasnt looking forward to. i said CD to the guy which he understood, but when he found the cd in the box, he thought that hadnt found it, so i made the gesture of not working, i.e. pulling your hand across your neck....ewll, i have since found out that means 'get fired' in, after i threatened this poor guy with getting the sack, we continued...all i could say was the word Sony, and cd....wel, after 10 mins i think this guy lost the will to live, and just gave me my money back....glen 2 japan 0

next was trying the local gym. this was not quite as difficult, but was one of those days where nothing is easy...even trying to order lunch. my sandwich and chips came with mayonnaise..well, it was actually yogurt...which i didnt find out until after 6 chips!!...note to self...chips and yogurt...not good.

some days its ok, but some days like saturday, nothing is easy, even the simplest things that you can take for granted is such hard work. you have to go into these things with a smile on your face and definately leave your ego at home. your comfort zone is non existant most of the time, which can be hard, but as long as you go into situations with the mentality that you are probably going to make a complete fool of yourself....then you should be ok!

last night i went to a house party with the group of teachers that i know...including a couple of the football team. stayed in at a friends house all day and watched films (not movies!) with a couple of friends....proper sunday! plus it was raining all day, great day to be inside.

tomorrow its supposed to be sunny, am planning a hike in the mountains nearby...



At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glen, I must say that the 'universal' gesture of 'not working' you mention is less universal than the malaysian records... Anyway, you always had a thing for hand signs.

Good 'diary' mate. Keep it up

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Glen-san said...

hi mate!
my famous hand signals dont work over here, and i live in constant fear that im really going to offend someone soon, so yeah, maybe youre right, universal is not the word...i asked a japanese friend the other day about the 'slitting of the throat' gesture, they initially said it meant fire...god knows what the shop assistant thought i meant...'this mp3 player doesnt work as i set it on fire...' but in the end, i merely threatened the nice lad with getting him thats ok then :-/...ill email you tomorrow mate.


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